Tea is just another fancy word for a bite to eat!

What’s the difference between LifeX Tea Shoppe and everyone else?  Our food is designed with Anti-aging and Virility in mind.  Specifically designed to help the body make your skin younger and you feel like the best you can be.   Made with LifeXtend Unlimited’s HomeBlend Ingredients like Bake (Low Glycemic Sweetener), Brew (Low Glycemic Sweetner and half caloried) Brown (Brown Sweetener amino based), WheatR (High Protein, whole grain, twice the fiber) and ButterBlend (MTC based).

LifeXtend Unlimited:
The Tea Shoppe

Youthfull Eating

Ever see that 85 year old woman that has such wonderful skin and beautiful energy?  How about the 85 year old man that still have muscle definition better than a teenager?  If you look closely, you’ll see that what sets them apart is their diet.

"Let food be thy medicine,
and medicine be thy food.."

Our Philosophy

Nourishing the body for optimal Athletic Performance in order to achieve peak performance,  athletes must fuel their bodies with the right nutrients to boost immune function, develop muscle, enhance focus and improve overall health.  This means providing the gut with all the necessary elements to achieve these goals

As we age, we are use to women with uneven skin tones, bags under their eyes, fine lines and wrinkled skin

We are use to men being frail and  their bodies weakened with time

We are not use to old men with defined muscle



old women with beautiful skin or a youthful appearance that hasn’t seen plastic surgery or a lot of makeup




 Endurance and Speed

Improve your overall health and well-being.

Order your food for your lifestyle:




or by Body Type:






Or by Position:

Slow Oxidative

Fast Oxidative



Keto Breakfast for Endomorph Males:

  •  Fiesta Omelet:  2 eggs with green peppers, onions and fresh salad
  • 1/2 C of fresh Blackberries, Strawberries, Blueberries and Raspberries

Mid-morning Snack:

a LifeXtend Sports Product

Mix NDure Drink Packet with water and 2 LifeXtend Protein Bars in your favorite flavors.

Visit the LifeXtend Unlimited Website.

  • Create an Account
  • Navigate to the menu and select your preferred foods.  We will calculate your daily calorie intake, portion sizes, snacks, supplements and beverages!
  • Place your weekly food order.  It will be freshly prepared and delivered to your school, club or sports facility.


Don’t Blink   it’s that quick!



Order from the Website...

…for food and supplements, choose from Weekly or Daily options.  Products feature HomeBlend Gourment Ingredients for sustained energy and diabetic friendly/Low Glycemic.  “LifeXtend Sports” line offers Drinks, Snacks, Protein Bars and Breads with outstanding taste and flavor!

Packaged in the right proportions…

Prepared Fresh

And Delivered Locally

Franchise Opportunities are available.

Interested in Joining our team?


Contact us!  Regions and Districts are open…


Don’t Blink…it’s that quick!



LifeXtend Unlimited
Food and Nutrition

Get in Touch


LifeXtend Unlimited

435 N 3rd W. St. 

Rigby Idaho  83442

1-(208) 534-5395

Monday – Friday 8:00am-5:00pm MST